The Turquoise blue waters of the Caribean gently lap on the magical home islands of the Taino. The Taino are master seamen whose communal spirit is unmatched by any nation in Mythic Earth. The Taino do not have large, organized armies. Instead, they rely on banding their mighty warriors with large numbers of civilians who will fight to defend their homes and accomplish their leaders’ missions.
All Taino, civilian and warrior alike, will be led by a regal Cacique. Caciques are the top leaders who rule over all Taino communities. Caciques are experts at motivating and leading people to achieve victory on the battlefield. In these efforts, they are aided by Siba Warriors who accompany the Cacique and protect the revered Taino leader from harm.
A close-knit community like the Taino always has an extensive roster of heroic community leaders who help the Cacique keep Taino war efforts successful. Nitainos, or Tribal Elders, are such community leaders. Nitainos can join a Siba Warrior Unit and help improve their efforts on the battlefield. Accompanying the Siba Warriros and various leaders are Naborias. Taino Civilians who will join in large numbers to aid in the war effort.
The warrior spirit of the Taino will often inspire natural spirits to join them in battle. Mighty Guardians of the Caracaracol will often lend the Taino a hand by providing powerful hand-to-hand support.
Box Contents:
1 Cacique (General)and two Siba Warrior bodyguards (3 models).
2 Five-man Units of Siba Warriors (10 models).
1 Five-man Unit of Naborias (5 models).
1 Single Nitaino (1 model).
1 Three-man Unit of Guardians of the Caracaracol (3 models).